Powder Clays & Mud Treatment Set
Create your own skin treatment in the comfort of your home! The POW[D]ER home-care kit includes 3 options of 100% Organic Clays and Mud with 2 nourishing treatment options targeting dry & dehydrated skin. Combine any of the natural botanical powders with either the Gentle Cleansing Milk or Nourishing Face and Neck Mask for an ultra-hydrating treatment.
Kit Content:
20ml Gentle Cleaning Milk
20ml Nourishing Face & Neck Mask
25gram Powder Clays & Mud
-Kigelia africana Mud
-Honeybush Infused Clay
-Pink Desert Clay
Small Glass Mixing Bowl
Mask Brush
In Stock
HoneyBush Clay
Kigelia Africana Mud
Pink Desert Clay
Product Benefits
Honeybush Clay: Honeybush tea extract & Kaolin clay. This mask provides a protective effect against lipid peroxidation (cell damage).
Kigelia Africana Mud: Kigelia africana extract African mineral-rich mud. This mask has firming, restoring & dermal soothing properties.
Pink Desert Clay: Organic Flower Petals, Rosehip oil & Kaolin Clay. This mask has a soothing, calming & moisturising effect.
How to use
Combine any of the natural botanical powders with either the Gentle Cleansing Milk or Nourishing Face and Neck Mask for your ultra-hydrating treatment.